Els alumnes de 2n han estat treballant durant el segon trimestre la climatologia, el vestuari i les mascotes. Per tal d'arrodonir el treball i tancar el trimestre us ofereixen una cançó anomenada "Mr. Zebra" (El senyor Zebra) que relaciona totes les unitats estudiades. Congratulations!!
Aquí teniu la lletra:
Aquí teniu la lletra:
Hello Mr.
Can I have
your jumper ‘cause it’s cold, cold, cold,
In my
house, house, house.
What’s the
weather like today? It’s windy, it’s cloudy, what a day!
I can see
my friend monkey running with a crocodile!
Hello Mr.
Can I have
your T-shirt ‘cause it’s hot, hot, hot,
In my
class, class...room.
penguins marching on, tigers, lions, elephants.
Birds smile
when they can fly, snakes they can’t and cry...
I like my
I like
cats, dogs, parrots, tortoises and hamsters.
What is
your favorite pet?
Mr. Zebra!